Belt and Road Initiative facilitate Henan Winner to sail far

Author: Winner   Time: 2020-01-03

The Uzbekistan polyvinyl chloride (PVC) production complex construction, jointly undertaken by CHINA CAMC ENGINEERINGCO.,LTD and Shanghai Huanqiu contracting & Engineering Co., Ltd. is proceeding smoothly.

Uzbekistan's PVC project is one of the important cooperation achievements between China and Uzbekistan. It is an important project to promote international capacity cooperation under the “Belt and Road” initiative. It is also a single contracting project being implemented by Chinese enterprises in Uzbekistan. Since the start of the project, Uzbek President Mirziyoyev and Chinese Ambassador to Uzbekistan Sun Lijie have visited the site.

The project is located in the industrial city of Navoiy in central Uzbekistan, with a total contract value of more than 400m USD, mainly from preferential buyer credit provided by the Export-Import Bank of China. The owner of the project is Navoiy Nitrogen Fertilizer Company, a subsidiary of the State-owned Chemical Industry Group of Uzbekistan, and it is expected to produce 100,000 tons of polyvinyl chloride, 75 million tons of caustic soda, and 300,000 tons of methanol after it is put into operation.


Winner Group

The “Belt and Road Initiative” initiative originated in China and belongs to the world. Uzbekistan's PVC project serves as a model project for China-Uzbekistan capacity cooperation. This project promotes a large number of Chinese advanced process technologies and production management concepts to Uzbekistan. Among them, a number of screening equipment provided by Winner Group have been used and now under installation at the site, and it is the honour of Henan Winner to contribute to the project.

In this project, the screening equipment of Henan Winner was transported by China-Europe freight train from Zhengzhou city to Navoiy, Uzbekistan. Belt and Road Initiative facilitate Henan Winner taking the international express train to sail far.

Winner Group was founded in 1954. The company aims to provide screening equipment for the Chinese manufacturing industry, to make the production of the enterprise more intelligent and automated, to optimize the production process, and to increase production efficiency while saving costs. In order to achieve the transformation from industrial manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing, Henan Winner promotes and practices precise and efficient production, and guides the planning and management of intelligent plant, by virtue of solid basis; using the Internet of things and industrial Ethernet technology, automatic cutting and welding to complete the digital transformation of smart plant. Through standardized management, with the corporate culture of innovation and learning as the starting point, , making use of the capital market and industrial Internet technology to progress continuously, Henan Winner will eventually achieve the dream of being a world-class screening expert and returning green to the earth.



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