How to choose the best appropriate stone production line equipment

Author: Winner Group   Time: 2018-09-11

1.Gradation: dry sanding process through the separator to remove the artificial sand in the mud powder, in order to achieve the standard sand for construction, and artificial sand in the stone powder content can also be controlled by the separator in the state within the scope, so as to improve the compressive strength and the workability of concrete. During the sand washing process, fine sand will be washed out with the stone powder, resulting in the lack of fine sand in the finished sand, and affecting the grading of finished products.

2.Cost: dry sand production line equipment using high efficiency separator for sand powder separation, the production process does not need to add a lot of water cleaning, the overall production costs will be relatively low.


stone production line equipment


3.Environmental restrictions: The dry sand production line is no limited by the source of water and the environment, and can be produced in places where water is scarce. The traditional wet production line must be operated in a water-rich area, if the environment temperature is particularly low, the production line is difficult to run.

4.Environmental protection: dry sand production line does not require water for cleaning, and the production process of stone powder can be rational use, which in some extent saved water resources and mineral resources,and no sewage and sludge emissions, better than the wet production line.

From the above analysis we can see that the main difference between dry sand production line equipment and wet is whether the need for water support, the user in the choice of sand production line technology to consider the actual site conditions, dry sand production line is more suitable for lack of water and environmental requirements are not very high places. Wet sand production line for water-rich areas, the choice of wet process requires the deployment of fine sand recycling and sewage recycling equipment.


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